2014 Drainage Workshop

We hosted a Drainage Workshop at the Holiday Inn East in Columbia, MO on February 12-14, 2014. We were honored to have a full complement of drainage experts on hand to provide the latest information on drainage research, as well as teach the attendees the foundation requirements for a successful subsurface drainage system.

Our speakers:

Marty Comstock, P.E.
NRCS Agricultural Engineer
Columbia, Missouri
Matthew Helmers, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Extension Agricultural Engineer
Iowa State University; Ames, Iowa
Buddy Hostetter
Owner; Hostetter Construction Co., Inc.
Waverly, Missouri
Clayton Lee
NRCS State Soil Scientist (Retired)
Columbia, MO
Kelly Nelson, Ph.D.
Research Agronomist
Greenley Research Center
Novelty, Missouri
Dick Purcell, P.E.
NRCS State Conservation Engineer
Columbia, Missouri
Kevin Shimp
Owner; Port Industries
Palmyra, MO
Brandon Viers, P.E.
NRCS Civll Engineer
Columbia, Missouri