2011 Drainage Workshop

We hosted a Drainage Workshop in Chillicothe, Missouri on February 16-18, 2011. The event was very well attended and we were lucky to have the following speakers and panelists present the latest information on drainage systems:

  • Marty Comstock, P.E., NRCS Agricultural Engineer
  • Mari Gilford, P.E., NRCS Agricultural Engineer
  • Matt Helmers, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Extension Agricultural Engineer, Iowa State University
  • Eddie Hoff, Boonville farmer
  • Buddy Hostetter, owner, Hostetter Construction Co., Inc.
  • David Kacirek, NRCS Area Resource and Soil Scientist
  • Kelly Nelson, Ph.D., Greenley Research Center
  • Dick Purcell, P.E., NRCS State Conservation Engineer serve as our speakers and panel participants.